Front Line Leadership
This Track II course is for all ranks, tenure, and assignment. Front Line Leadership will take you on a journey of rejuvenation, passion for the profession, enhanced commitment, personal growth, fulfillment, happiness, and resilient professional leadership.
Front Line Leadership is a 32 hour professional development course presented over four consecutive days. This Track II course is for all peace officers and personnel of all ranks, tenure, and assignment. Front Line Leadership will take students on a journey of rejuvenation, passion for the profession, enhanced commitment, personal growth, fulfillment, happiness, and resilient professional leadership.
This course is for those who want to be better law enforcement professionals, sworn and non-sworn alike. Students completing this course will deepen their understanding of leadership and self to improve their work and personal relationships with others. Information and skills developed in this course will assist the student in gaining a broader perspective of the law enforcement profession, the personalities that exist in it, functional vs dysfunctional teams, culture, history, building trust, building credibility, building teams, and real-life modern leadership. This course is a “must” for all Front Line Leaders!
Topics of instruction will include Assessing Leadership, Positive Leadership, Police Culture, DISC Personality Assessment, Leading the Challenging Employee, Integrity of Policing, 360 Relationships & Team Leadership, and Resilient Leadership.
Peace officers, non-sworn members, supervisors, middle managers, command staff, and executive staff of all ranks, tenure, and assignment will benefit from this course.
Learning activities include facilitated class discussions during each module taught, class discussions of real-life contemporary scenarios and videos, case studies, completion of a DISC behavioral assessment which includes each student completing their own personality profile and an understanding of personality profile application to others, and individual development of a personal purpose statement. Students articulate orally and in writing each day their solutions to real world leadership challenges.
Each student will receive a class workbook for notes and exercises specifically designed for students to demonstrate understanding of concepts presented.
Student Responsibilities
Students are responsible for obtaining permission and approval from their departments prior to registration if the student plans to attend on-duty and have the agency pay for it. You know the rules.
If you want to attend, we recommend working with your agency prior to registering for a class. Because if you register for a class, and your department does not approve your time or tuition for any reason, you are still responsible for the terms of the attendance and cancellation policy including any applicable tuition. Again, we know you get it. We look forward to seeing you in class!
Target Audience
Front Line Leadership is for all members of a law enforcement agency. All Commissioned Deputies, Officers, FTO’s, Corporals, Supervisors, Command Staff, Executives, Limited Commission personnel, and Non-Commissioned staff are all welcome and encouraged to attend.
Career Level Certification
Completion of this course counts for 32 hours towards elective hour requirements for Career Level Certification and annual 24 hour training requirements for Washington State law enforcement and corrections personnel.